Adult Bible Classes

Adult Bible Classes

Purpose of Adult Bible Classes

Our Lord Jesus commands the church to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. The purpose of Fellowship Bible Church’s equipping groups is to assist in accomplishing this mission. Join a group to be equipped for ministry!

Current and Upcoming Classes:

Sunday Morning 9:30AM

Men’s Bible Study Class
Modular D-2
Teacher: Pastor Dan Beasley

Learning life lessons for men from the books of 1 Kings – 2 Chronicles.

Combined Adult Bible Study Class
Modular C             
Teacher: Tim Helman

Continuing Paul’s letters to the Corinthians with an inductive study of 2 Corinthians.

Ladies Only Class
Modular D-1           
Teacher: Charis Henson

Come study the book of Micah with us!  A beautiful look at both God’s Judgement and Mercy -“Who is a pardoning God like You?”  

Sunday Morning 11AM

Combined Adult Bible Study Class
Modular D-2              
Teacher: Willie Palmer
Navigators 2:7 Class*
(Discipleship Program: Class #2)

This class will assist you in growing in your relationship with Jesus Christ by teaching you the disciplines of the Christian faith in the context of mutual accountability and encouragement.  

* Foundations and Navigators are a part of FBC’s discipleship program. 

Wednesday Night 7PM

Women’s Bible Study Class
Modular D-1                
Teacher: Marcy Bloom 

Jesus: Understanding His Death and Resurrection:
A Study of Mark 14-16 by Kay Arthur.

Men’s Bible Study Class
Modular B-2  
Teacher: Pastor Dan Beasley

This Bible study will challenge men from the Word of God to live, lead, and serve courageously for Christ in a world bent on conforming Christian men to its standards.  

B.A.S.I.C. (Young Adult 18-29)
Modular D-2               
Teacher: Pastor Van

“Think, Know, Live: Confident Christianity” Designed to help young people know what we believe as followers of Jesus Christ, why we believe it, and why it’s a reasonable and defendable faith.

Combined Adult Bible Study Class
Teacher: Jim Schuppe

Come study the Book of Hebrews with us! Learn from veteran professor and author, Jim Schuppe, as he leads this class.

Combined Adult Bible Study Class
Modular C    
Choir Director: Samantha Spitzer

Join the FBC choir! The choir typically sings a new encouraging number every other Sunday and during special seasons (i.e., Christmas and Easter). Choir practice will be held on Monday evening and Wednesday evening at 7:00 PM. Choose which practice fits your schedule.