EPBI is accredited through Appalachian Bible College. Our desire with EPBI is to hold ongoing classes each semester as a spiritual growth and leadership development tool for area churches. The courses are designed to fulfill the requirements of a Bible Certification program (30 credit hours). This will build toward a later goal of offering an Associates Degree in Bible & Theology (61 credit hours).
To apply and register for classes at the Eastern Panhandle Bible Institute via Appalachian Bible College, visit www.abc.edu/epbi/.
Students may choose one of three options for taking classes:
- Credit $300
- Audit Only $150*
- CEU (Continuing Education Unit): $150*
*May not be changed to full credit after start date.
The courses of Eastern Panhandle Bible Institute are accredited through Appalachian Bible College.
Class Expectations
EPBI students taking a class for credit will have required reading assignments, writing and research assignments, as well as quizzes and exams. Students auditing a course will have optional quizzes and exams, but all reading assignments will be required. A minimum class attendance of 75% will also be required.
Bible Certification
The following classes will be offered in upcoming semesters. Students completing 33 hours (i.e. the four required courses along with seven electives) will receive a certificate in Bible. All classes are 3 credit hours.
- Old Testament Survey*
- New Testament Survey*
- Introduction to Bible Study *
- Bible Doctrine Overview *
- Personal Evangelism & Discipleship
- Genesis—Deuteronomy
- Old Testament Poetic Books
- Isaiah—Malachi
- Matthew-Acts
- Paul’s Letters 1
- Paul’s Letters 2
- Doctrine of the Bible and Church
- Homiletics (Preaching)
- World Religions/ Cults
- Church History/ Western Civilization
- American Church History
- Biblical Thinking and Worldview
- Electives on Books of the Bible
*Required class for completing the EPBI Bible Certification Program.

Pastor Mark Henson
Mark Henson is the Associate Pastor of Adult Ministries at Fellowship Bible Church. He is a graduate of Appalachian Bible College (BA in Bible), Baptists for Israel Institute (M. Israeli Studies), and Baptist Bible Seminary (M.Div.).
Dr. Mark Johnson
Mark Johnson is Pastor-Teacher at Independent Bible Church in Martinsburg, WV. He is a graduate of Appalachian Bible College (BA in Bible/Pastoral studies), Grace Theological Seminary (Th.M. in Old Testament), and Baptist Bible Seminary (D.Min.).
Pastor George Michael
George Michael is retired as Adult Ministries Pastor at Independent Bible Church in Martinsburg, WV, and previously served as Principal of Grace Academy in Hagerstown. He graduated from Wheaton College with a B.A. in Social Science and completed graduate work at both the University of Virginia and Baptist Bible Seminary.

Dr. Jim Schuppe
Jim Schuppe is a former Academic Dean at Washington Bible College, professor at Liberty University, and a retired Senior Pastor from Belcroft Bible Church in Bowie, MD. His vast knowledge of God’s Word, as well as
his years of pastoral experience, lend depth to his classroom